
Everything To Know About The Best Working Capital Loans

Everything To Know About The Best Working Capital Loans

Banks don’t like lending to small businesses. If you have tried to get a working capital loan for your business, you know how treacherous the process is. This article is here to make that process easier. I have provided you with all the information you will need to find the best working capital bank. Working […]

25 February 2022
Need Access to Fast Capital? Consider a Merchant Cash Advance

Need Access to Fast Capital? Consider a Merchant Cash Advance

The Merchant Cash Advance is a fairly new funding source that you won’t find advertised on billboards or in commercials. Merchant Cash Advance (MCA) companies partner with successful businesses, lending them capital for future expansion.  If you are a business owner and need to improve your credit, consider applying for a merchant cash advance. A […]

16 February 2022
10 reasons why Alternative Funding Group is your best option for business capital funding

10 reasons why Alternative Funding Group is your best option for business capital funding

Alternative Funding Group is one of the best solutions when banks and financial institutions fail to provide funding. Alternative Funding Group has been helping entrepreneurs, small businesses, startups and companies fund their business ideas for years. Alternative Funding Group can help you with your current cash flow or help you in obtaining the financing needed […]

11 February 2022
Do you have Enough Capital Reserves for the Impending Imbalance?

Do you have Enough Capital Reserves for the Impending Imbalance?

We recently had the pleasure of providing much-needed business funding to a US manufacturing company that needed capital quickly. Alternative Funding Group is passionate about helping businesses survive and thrive again by providing business funding so they can obtain the capital reserves needed. This manufacturing facility had purchased the raw materials necessary to produce products […]

04 February 2022
The Battle To Save Businesses

The Battle To Save Businesses

Until recently, most of us had never heard or spoken the words supply chain. Now, we hear about supply chain problems. If you are watching the news, you may not realize the causes of the supply chain breakdown or the impact of the supply chain issues throughout North America. We’re in a battle to save […]

31 January 2022
2022 New Years Resolution for Businesses to receive funding

2022 New Years Resolution for Businesses to receive funding

Have you ever thought about what could happen on the first day of your business in 2022 or 5 years from now? What will your business look like? What will it be able to do that it can’t do today? How about 15 years from now (2027)? Now the tricky part is back to 2022. […]

25 January 2022
How to find working capital

How to find working capital

No matter what type of business you are looking to start, you will need capital to get it off the ground. If you want to start a business but don’t have the working capital, here are ways to get it. On this blog, you can learn how to find working capital that can help you […]

21 January 2022
The power of working capital for businesses

The power of working capital for businesses

Working capital is the blood of any business. For that reason, there is a strong need for a large supply of it if you are to propel your business forward and make the most out of its opportunities. If you fail to utilize working capital correctly, you may end up with a cash flow crisis […]

14 January 2022
5 powerful ways to use Merchant Cash Advances

5 powerful ways to use Merchant Cash Advances

Merchant Cash Advances, also known as MCA’s or sometimes as Business Cash Advance (BCA), are open to new and existing businesses. They can be a great way to get an infusion of cash into your business quickly and with minimal hassle. If you have ever considered applying for a loan to expand your business or […]

10 January 2022
7 benefits of a Merchant Cash Advances

7 benefits of a Merchant Cash Advances

Every business needs operating cash to stay afloat, but sometimes a company runs short on the cash they need and sometimes a merchant cash advance (MCA) is the answer. It’s not uncommon for small and medium-sized firms to have difficulty securing financing from banks. Moreover, many conventional lenders are wary of lending to businesses that […]

03 January 2022
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