Merchant cash advance is a great option when you cannot secure any other type of funding. You will find some of the fields perhaps not familiar since they are not that common. The majority of businesses using merchant cash advance tend to be in the retail industry, and are typically in hyper competitive industries such as travel, vacation and small business financing. Of the different businesses out there, which industries can benefit from a merchant cash advance most? The answer will surprise you. Let’s take a look at 6 industries that are using merchant cash advances and other financing techniques to fuel business growth.
- Retail-Retail businesses
Almost in every town and are one of the most competitive industries in the realm of business. When you get a business loan for a retail store, you will have to compete with hundreds of other businesses just for the loan. What does this mean? It means the loan rates are higher and the terms are tougher. Now multiply that by a factor of ten and that is what it’s like trying to get a merchant cash advance. A merchant cash advance can become one of the safer options for a retail business. The merchant cash advance can be used for retail business funding including inventory, marketing, pay raises for employees, working capital and more.
- Travel and Leisure industry
Vending machines and snack shops are very popular at airports, train stations, and even in office buildings. These types of businesses accept a lot of cash and don’t always have the ability to deposit their money fast enough. Many times, it is due to the fact that they have no frequent access to a bank. They need a merchant cash advance for transportation funding to help them as soon as possible so they can keep up with their business. This can be especially critical if they need money for daily operations. They can also use it to improve their operations or increase their product sales.
- Healthcare industry
Healthcare is a very competitive industry and that is why they need to use merchant cash advances. In this industry, cash flow can be a problem and using a merchant cash advance can fix that. Businesses in the healthcare industry use the merchant cash advance, medical funding or other types of financing to pay insurance claims, pay down outstanding accounts, buy supplies and more.
- Food and beverage
This industry is very capitalized on high volume, low margin. This means they make a lot of money but don’t always make much per item because of the high volume. They are a good industry to consider a merchant cash advance with because of the high volume. The merchant cash advance for restaurant funding is used for the same things you would use it for in any other industry: working capital, inventory, pay raises and more.
- Auto Repair Industry
Not only are they in high demand, but they offer a wide variety of services. This is why they need to use merchant cash advances for auto repair funding in order to help them grow their business. The merchant cash advance is used to help them purchase new tools and equipment, make repairs, do advertising, and more.
- Construction and home improvements
The construction and home improvement industry is another industry that is very competitive when it comes to financing. Banks have tightened up their lending policies with this industry and it has made it very difficult for businesses to get funding. They are not alone though, merchant cash advances for construction funding are a popular way for companies even in this field to get some additional cash.
In conclusion, merchant cash advance in the form of business cash advance is a wonderful tool that has helped hundreds of companies across America. Merchant Cash Advance can benefit businesses regardless of their size, industry or stage of development. No matter what type of business you’re in, it’s never a bad time to start thinking about your future and how you can get the funding you need to grow.

Alternative Funding Group have been funding these types of industries and many more. We have a team of deal advisors and capital providers, committed to help you obtain the right business funding. We specialize in merchant cash advance and factoring, helping you get the cash you need when banks and traditional financial institutions won’t help. Serving businesses in ALL industries, including nonprofits, and specializing in Real Estate, Construction, Retail, Health care, and Technology. Now, take a look at your own business and find out if you can benefit from a merchant cash advance. If you are looking for Merchant Cash Advance for your business, you should contact Alternative Funding Group for a free no-obligation consultation. We can help you find a merchant cash advance that meets your needs.